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BackCareers and Skills Fair 2024
Posted on: 19/11/2024
Despite waking up to snow this morning, we were thrilled to see such a fantastic turnout at our Careers and Skills Fair! Over 60 employers and local businesses joined us, showcasing opportunities across a variety of industries—from space exploration to sport, medicine to media, and automotive engineering to animal care, to name just a few.
Universities, colleges and apprenticeship providers were also on hand, offering guidance on pathways into higher education and vocational routes, ensuring students explored a wide range of opportunities and career paths.
For the first time, all year groups participated, linking careers to the curriculum through engaging skills challenges and asking insightful questions about their futures. Our students left inspired and better informed about the many routes into employment and the skills they need to succeed.
A special thank you to our Year 11 volunteers, who donned High-Vis vests and helped our guests set up, ensured refreshments were topped up, and supported other year groups throughout the event.
It’s events like these that help our students take confident steps toward bright and exciting futures—thank you to everyone who made it possible!