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School Uniform Statement
The uniform is currently available online, from Price and Buckland, and there is a link to this outlet through the school website within the ‘Parent’ section – alternatively click on the following link: Kenilworth School And Sixth Form (pbuniform-online.co.uk). The school is looking at increasing the number of suppliers.
Navy blue with school logo |
* |
Royal blue (Lower School) Navy blue (Upper School) with school logo |
* |
Black 2 Box Pleat |
* |
Plain black (no jeans, leggings/jeggings or cropped trousers). Belts, if required, must be plain black, without decoration i.e. No studs, chains etc. |
Plain black, white or navy socks. If tights are worn they must be black and if socks are worn over the top these must also be black ankle socks |
Flat black leather shoes. Entirely black trainers are also accepted provided there are no other coloured logos, laces, soles etc. |
- PLEASE NOTE – Hooded tops/sweatshirts (i.e.. ‘Hoodies’) are non-uniform items and should be left at home
- The wearing of jewellery is strongly discouraged, as the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to valuable items. In certain subjects jewellery must be removed for safety reasons. Body piercings, with the exception of earrings, are STRICTLY NOT allowed.
- Permitted items:-
- Rings ONE per hand
- Necklaces ONE gold or silver chain allowed to be worn underneath polo-shirt
- Bracelets ONE per wrist
- Earrings ONE pair of small studs ONLY. Stretcher type earrings are strictly forbidden.
- Cultural and religious traditions will be respected but should be in keeping with the school colours.
- Suitable protective clothing is provided for Technology subjects.
- Make-up / nail varnish (clear polish only), if must be worn, should be subtle. False nails are not permitted.
- Hair if dyed, must be a natural colour. There must be no extreme statement hair style.
Physical Education Kit
All items, except where indicated by (N) should be ordered through the School Shop as they have the School logos.
(N) Not supplied by the School Shop (TBC) To be confirmed
It is very important to be able to identify items of kit and for kit to be returned to its rightful owner if lost. Therefore, please sew name tapes Into everything! |
Please note: Trainers must be proper “sports” trainers with laces tied properly at all times - NOT fashion trainers i.e. skateboard trainers or plimsoll pumps or Airforce 1 Trainers – they do not provide the adequate protection or cushioning needed for sports activities.
Students will not be allowed to wear their school shoes for PE lessons.
Value for money
With no blazer, shirts or a tie as part of our uniform, we consider the cost to families to be reasonable as there are fewer items to purchase than with uniforms incorporating a blazer, and the sweatshirt represents a much cheaper alternative to a blazer.
No student is required to wear the suggested skirt and can wear the unbranded trousers instead, which are generic and can be bought cheaply from supermarkets and other lower cost outlets.
The school maintains a stock and regularly provides uniform for families in financial hardship, particularly those students qualifying for the pupil premium.
We also offer second hand uniform through the PTA uniform shop. Details of this are on the school Facebook page and there is a link on the school website under transition information. Alternatively, the PTA can be contacted via the following email: kenschoolpta@gmail.com
Information for parents
Student appearance and uniform expectations are outlined in the behaviour and rewards policy and the transition information booklet on the school website, along with a link to the online uniform shop.
Considerations: To comply more fully with recent guidelines the MAT/school should consider the following:
- Engage even more regularly with existing suppliers on availability of quality cheaper uniform options; this currently happens annually
- Identify those garments that do not need a school logo, for example the tracksuit top and microfleece, PE shorts and football/PE socks