Kenilworth School and Sixth Form



I am afraid of getting lost and not being able to find my lessons.

Don’t worry about this, it is a big site but you will quickly get used to it. There will be lots of teachers around that you can ask as well as students. 


How much homework will I get?

You will possibly get more homework than you used to get because of the increased number of subjects you will have. You will get 30 minutes of homework from each subject per week. We also use Class Charts – which is an app where your homework instructions will be sent to by your teachers (this means you don’t have to write your homework down). Parents can also access this app to see what homework is being set and when it is due to be handed in.

How does the House Point system work?

Teachers will give students house points for a variety of reasons. This could be for excellent work, answering questions in class, a random act of kindness, persevering with a piece of work that a student has found hard but didn’t give up on trying to complete it.

All house points are recorded in the Class Charts app which can be seen by both yourself and your parents. You can ‘trade’ in your house points in the school shop for a variety of items, ranging from stationary to a Golden Ticket – this is effectively an entry into an end of term raffle where you could win an tablet (or similar) in the end of term celebration assemblies.

Can I bring my mobile phone into school?

We do allow students to have their mobile phones in school – however, they should be switched off and in the students bags during the school day. If a student is found using their mobile phone during the day, it will be confiscated. If it is a first offence, the student will be able to collect the phone form Main Office (M.G.09). For repeat offenders, the phone will be kept until a parent comes into school to collect it (parents will be notified of this).

I have heard that you can get detentions at secondary school.

At Kenilworth School, we have a Rewards and Sanction system. If homework is repeatedly not handed in a student may receive a detention during the school day or after school – this will be agreed with your parents. If a student’s behaviour is inappropriate in a lesson and disrupts the learning that is taking place they will be given sanctions ranging from a S1 – S4. S1’s and S2’s are warnings (parents will be able to see if any sanctions have been given on the Class Charts app). If a student gets given a S3 it will mean that they have ignored the previous warnings and will now be given a 45-minute detention after school – this will be with their head of year. If a student continues to disrupt the lesson, they will be given a S4 – they will then be moved to another classroom in that department and will receive a one-hour detention after school. During these detentions, the member of staff who gave the sanction will meet with the student in a restorative meeting to discuss the incident and find ways of preventing it from happening again.

Where do I go to get my lunch?

All students have their lunch break in canteen. Hot and cold food can also be bought from the snack bar which is located on the Lower ground level. Students queue up in canteen, tables are set up in the hall for students to eat their lunch, as well as other outdoor eating areas.

We use a biometrics system which means that students do not need to carry any money to pay for their food. Parents put an allowance onto their ParentPay account and students use their biometrics (they put their finger onto a sensor which brings up their account) and the cost of their food comes out of this account. Parents can put a limit on how much their child can spend in a day. There are also machines in school where students can put money (coins) onto their account. If a student’s account is £0, we have a system in place where the student can still get some food – but the money would be owed to the school.

In the first two weeks in September, Year 7 will finish their period 3 lesson 15 minutes early to allow them more time to get used to this new system.

Where can I go if I need to contact my parent during the school day?

If you need to speak to your parent during the day because you have forgotten something like your PE kit or a piece of homework, you should go to the Main Office (M.G.09) and ask if you can contact your parents.

What should I do if I feel that I am being bullied?

Unfortunately, bullying happens in every school from time to time. If a you feel that you are being bullied, we need to know about it as quickly as possible so that it can be dealt with. You should speak to your tutor, head of year or any member of staff that you feel comfortable to speak to.

If you feel that the situation has not been resolved (that the bullying continues after the individuals have been dealt with) please inform your head of year as soon as possible.