Kenilworth School and Sixth Form

Subjects that students will study in Year 7




We aim to give year 7 pupils a thorough grounding in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening with a particular focus, and weekly specialised lessons on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. We introduce them to the skills required for a successful school career and also to help prepare them for Key Stage 4 and their GCSE years. They will read a novel, poetry and drama including excerpts from 19th Century texts and Shakespeare. They will write for different audiences and purposes, and develop confidence in speaking and listening in a number of different contexts. Your child will develop their vocabulary through the range of challenging texts studied. The English Department promotes independent learning and this is integrated into our curriculum with Independent research Projects accessible to every level of ability, these are assigned for homework each half-term. Year 7 pupils will also have the opportunity to study a modern play text where they will be introduced to some of the basic principles of drama.



The programme of study for key stage 3 is organised into distinct domains which build on key stage 2 knowledge and connections across mathematical ideas.

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Ratio, proportion and rates of change
  • Geometry and measures
  • Probability
  • Statistics

We aim to provide a curriculum that enables all pupils to make progress no matter where they start. Progress on these strands is assessed using weekly homework, termly assessments and classwork.

It is essential that students have the correct mathematical equipment in all maths lessons.  They will need: pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, 30cm ruler, protractor, compass and a scientific calculator, such as the Casio fx-83GT PLUS




At KS3 we aim to inspire and enthuse pupils by giving them the opportunity to investigate phenomena in the world around them through experiment, discussion, modelling and independent enquiry.

Pupils will develop their understanding of the key scientific concepts skills and processes as they study the following areas: -

  • Biology – Cells, body systems and reproduction
  • Chemistry – Particles, elements and compounds, reactions and acids and alkalis
  • Physics – Forces, sound, space and light
  • Working Scientifically – Developing experimental skills through investigation: making and recording measurements; applying mathematical concepts to analyse and evaluate results; using literacy skills to effectively communicate ideas about Science and access scientific text



Year 7 start Geography with a unit called ‘My School’ which introduces students to map skills and fieldwork, based around the school grounds. This is followed by a unit on Flooding, examining the causes, effects and management of floods. In the Spring term students study the physical and human Geography of Africa and compare two countries within the continent. This is followed by a topic about Migration, looking at the causes and effects of migration and how migration has been experienced within their own families. Students also study the different perceptions of migration and how it is reported in the media. In the final term pupils will study Extreme Weather such as hurricanes and end with a topic on Environmental Issues, looking at issues such as climate change.



Students start Year 7 with a module designed to establish the core skills required to successfully study KS3 History. This unit, called "What is History?" looks at areas such as source analysis, chronology, change and continuity and significance. In the 2nd half of the Autumn term they will study Britain before 1066 with a focus on Roman Britain. After Christmas, all students will cover events in the Medieval era, looking at the Norman Conquest, the Black Death and the tension between Crown and Church. The final term sees a study on Tudor England addressing society, the Reformation and the Dissolution of the Monasteries.



All Year 7 students learn French.  They are taught in tutor groups and are, therefore, in mixed-ability groups.  We use the textbook Dynamo and our aim is to develop pupils’ vocabulary knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures.  Teaching includes lots of speaking in pairs, listening activities and learning games.



Year 7 students will participate in one session of RE per week. At KS3 RE is delivered through two different Attainment Targets, which provide a familiar structure to every session:

AT1: Learning about religion – factual information about beliefs, practices and actions;

AT2: Learning from religion – opinions and views, a personal response to the content discussed.

Year 7 introduces students to the key skills of investigation, comparison, empathy and justification of opinion that they will continue to develop and employ right through until GCSE. The topics covered in Year 7, in line with Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus for RE include: -

  • R.E. Toolkit – Introducing Religious Education and the skills pupils will use when studying R.E.
  • Big Story in the Bible – Looking at Judaism and the development of Christianity.
  • The life of Jesus – Learning about and from the life of Jesus.
  • Hinduism – Looking at beliefs and practice of Hindus, equality and Gandhi.
  • Ultimate Questions – Considering responses to the existence of God, the point to life and other philosophical issues.



Computer Science is an engaging and contemporary course which has input from companies such as, The BBC, Microsoft, Apple, GOOGLE, Computers at Schools (CAS), plus teachers and University Professors.  It is at the cutting edge of education and will give pupils excellent skills in problem solving and project management.

Subjects covered include, programming – games and App development using Python; BBC Micro:BIT; Advanced Scratch, and building software for mobile technology. Our course will give them an introductory session on being safe, covering topics such as cyberbullying, cyber security, phishing, and malware. Pupils will be encouraged to use creativity in project design. There will be an element of understanding how computers work and how data is represented. We will look at the future of society in education and the workplace, especially the input of Artificial Intelligence in the home and community. Pupils will be introduced to different file formats and have the opportunity to use graphics.

In summary, Computer Science is a subject that will equip our pupils with transferrable and relevant skills for the modern ever changing world. It is a subject for the 21st Century.



The first year in a child’s secondary school Art experience is an important one.  We aim to play our part in the holistic development of the child by providing opportunities for creative learning through the exploration of ideas, concepts, themes and conventions as well as the introduction to a range of artistic processes, media and techniques. An important part of pupils' learning is the investigation of Art from other times and cultures, allowing students to form an understanding of the relevance of Art to different people and in different contexts.


Autumn Term – 'Learning to Look' project:

During the winter term, pupils complete a project designed to deepen their understanding of Art by focusing on skills of observation.  Through research of the Formal Visual Elements of Art and Design students will learn to examine and evaluate their own and others' art work, while also developing their observation skills with a range of materials. By the end of key stage 3 students should have a solid understanding and working knowledge of the Formal Elements and a well-developed foundation of practical skills with artistic media and techniques.


Spring & Summer Terms – theme based projects:

During the spring and summer terms students complete two further theme-based projects (one each term).  One of these projects will allow students to explore three dimensional artwork and have a 3D piece of artwork as one final outcome. Both theme based projects are underpinned by the Formal Elements of Art and allows opportunities for students to make comparisons between their own understanding of artwork and its place in other times, cultures and contexts.



In Year 7, all students follow a course which consists of three modules:

  • Product Design
  • Food preparation and nutrition
  • Textiles

Through a variety of creative and practical activities, students will be taught the knowledge, understanding and skills which will enable them to design and make a range of products in different contexts. Problem solving, innovation and user-centred design will be key focus areas.  Within Product Design students get to make an acrylic product and become familiar with a wide variety of tools and equipment along with workshop machines.

Within Nutrition and Cooking, students will develop their basic practical skills whilst learning about hygiene and healthy eating. They will make a range of dishes that take into account the source of ingredients, seasonality and the importance of a varied diet.

Within Textiles, students will learn how to use a sewing machine and work with a range of different materials and develop their practical techniques.

All Year 7 modules cover Health & Safety, graphical skills and a variety of ICT applications.  Note: Due to the sizes of some cohorts it is sometime unavoidable that not all Year 7 and Year 8 students always complete Nutrition and Cooking cycle within their year rotation due to the demands of the rooms at GCSE level. 



In Year 7, students will experience a wide range of music which they will explore through a mixture of performing, composing and listening.  They will use a range of instruments, including keyboards, tuned and un-tuned percussion, guitars, ukuleles and their voices.   Class music lessons are mainly practical and the music theory will be incorporated into the music making.  Students who learn musical instruments are often encouraged to bring these to lessons to include them in group performances. In addition to class music lessons, there are a number of extra-curricular music groups.



P.S.H.E stands for Personal, Social, Health Education.  The purpose of these lessons is to help you become a happy and well-developed individual, capable of making healthy decisions for your own wellbeing.

P.S.H.E is delivered once per week and delivered to form groups.  In addition, 20 minutes of P.S.H.E time is given over to occasional assemblies: an opportunity for the year group to get together and share ideas and opinions.  The topics you will study throughout Year 7 P.S.H.E are:

  1. Citizens & Community & Responsibility: Settling as a Kenilworth Student;the anti-bullying and Human Rights
  2. Personal Wellbeing: How can we adopt a healthy lifestyle;
  3. R.S.E (Relationships and Sex Education): Making and keeping good friends;
  4. D.R.E (Drugs and Risk Education): Risk awareness, staying safe and cyber-bullying;
  5. Citizenship, Community & Responsibility: Nationalism & Patriotism
  6. The Wider World: How can you have an impact on the wider / global community